Sugar & Spice Kitchen Towels


Accent towels are an easy way to add a dash of spice to any kitchen. What’s best- these are forever functional with absorbent terrycloth backing and hanging loops.


Main fabric – 19″ x 23″
Terrycloth- 19″ x 23″
Trim– 3″ x 40″ (or 2 strips of 3″ x 40″)
Bias tape (webbing or ribbon will also work)- 5″
Basic sewing supplies

*Double supplies to make a matching pair.
Use 1/4″ seams.

Prep and cut fabric.

Fold trim, right sides together.  Stitch one long side and one short side.  Turn trim right side out.

Pin trim to the main fabric, unfinished edges touching.  Tuck the sides in so you don’t accidentally sew over them.
Pin bias tape, ribbon or webbing diagonally in the top corner.
Pin terry cloth on top, right sides touching.

Sew almost all the way around the towel.  Leave a gap for turning and remember not to sew over the side edges of your trim.
Tip- it may be easier to flip your pinned piece over and sew with the main fabric on top.

Turn right side out and top stitch all the way around.

You did it! Soak up spills and compliments with your new kitchen towels!

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